Social Cue Taxonomy
Knowledge Broker Bots in Enterprise Social Media: An Exploratory Study
Enterprise social media (ESM) platforms are a central hub for team collaboration. While they can effectively facilitate communication …
Ulrich Gnewuch
Wietske Van Osch
Constantinos K. Coursaris
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
The Impact of Conversational Assistance on the Effective Use of Forecasting Support Systems: A Framed Field Experiment
Forecasting support systems (FSSs) support demand planners in important forecasting decisions by offering statistical forecasts. …
Saskia Haug
Marcel Ruoff
Ulrich Gnewuch
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
Towards Designing a Conversation Mining System for Customer Service Chatbots
Chatbots are increasingly used to provide customer service. However, despite technological advances, customer service chatbots …
Daniel Schloß
Ulrich Gnewuch
Alexander Maedche
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
Conversation Mining for Customer Service Chatbots
More and more companies are using chatbots in customer service. The large number of chatbots and their interactions with customers …
Daniel Schloß
Ulrich Gnewuch
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
BotOrNot: A Platform for Conducting Experiments with Undisclosed Chat Agents
Chatbots are omnipresent in today’s online environments in work and private life. While early chatbots were easy to identify, …
Leon Hanschmann
Ulrich Gnewuch
Alexander Maedche
Designing Effective Conversational Repair Strategies for Chatbots
Conversational breakdowns often force users to go through frustrating loops of trial and error when trying to get answers from …
Fabian Reinkemeier
Ulrich Gnewuch
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
Match or Mismatch? How Matching Personality and Gender between Voice Assistants and Users Affects Trust in Voice Commerce
Despite the ubiquity of voice assistants (VAs), they see limited adoption in the form of voice commerce, an online sales channel using …
Fabian Reinkemeier
Ulrich Gnewuch
A Framework of Personality Cues for Conversational Agents
Conversational agents (CAs)—software systems emulating conversations with humans through natural language—reshape our communication …
Rangina Ahmad
Dominik Siemon
Ulrich Gnewuch
Susanne Robra-Bissantz
A Personalized Conversational Agent to Treat Depression in Youth and Young Adults – A Transdisciplinary Design Science Research Project
Depression is a large-scale and consequential problem in youth and young adults. Conversational agents (CAs) can contribute to …
Florian Onur Kuhlmeier
Ulrich Gnewuch
Stefan Lüttke
Eva-Lotta Brakemeier
Alexander Mädche
Publisher Link
ResearchGate Link
Digital Assistants for Self-Regulated Learning: Towards a State-Of-The-Art Overview
We observe a continuous shift from face-to-face to hybrid or online education. Today, learners are exposed to a high level of autonomy …
Sven Scheu
Ivo Benke